Article 1- Preamble
Believing it to be the will of God that the followers of Jesus Christ associate themselves in
fellowship for mutual encouragement, for public worship, and for active ministry and evangelism,
the Taipei International Church will give the adherents of any denomination from all parts of the
world a Christian church in which they may worship God. We also believe that an international
community of believers should fulfill its discipleship through cooperative service with other
Christian ministries in Taiwan. Therefore, we hereby declare the following to be the plan and
constitution upon which this church is organized.
Article 2 – Statement of Faith
This church accepts the Apostles’ Creed as its statement of faith. We confess Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior and seek to fulfill our common calling to glorify the Father, the Son and Holy
Spirit. Authority of Scripture.
The Bible is God's unique revelation to people. It is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and the
supreme and final authority on all matters upon which it teaches. No other writings are vested
with such divine authority (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 2 Timothy 3:15-16; Hebrews 4:12; 1
Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter 2:21).
Article 3 – Membership
Section 1. The Taipei International Church is a part of the Church Universal which is one body
in Christ. Therefore, all persons without regard to race, color, national origin or economic
condition shall be eligible to attend its worship services, to participate in its programs, and, when
they take the appropriate vows, be admitted into its membership.
Section 2. Membership in Taipei International Church need not affect primary membership in
a congregation elsewhere. Membership shall automatically cease on permanent departure from
the Taipei area. Membership at TIC means regular attendance, tithing to TIC and praying for TIC.
Section 3. Prospective members shall be helped to understand the privileges and responsibilities
of membership, and after being duly baptized in this church or elsewhere shall be introduced to
the congregation, at which time they shall be received into membership, being asked to accept
these privileges and responsibilities, including an affirmative answer to the question,
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and will you be loyal to this church
and uphold this congregation by your prayers, your presence, your gifts and your service?”
Article 4 – Elder Board
Section 1. The elder board serves as the governing body of TIC. They must be members of TIC
and are nominated on the basis of their spiritual maturity and biblical qualifications (Galatians
3:28, Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 1 Peter 5:2-3). They serve as spiritual leaders and
under-shepherds of the congregation, providing for the care and feeding of God’s people.
Section 2. Final decision-making authority for TIC is vested in the elder board, except for cases
requiring affirmation by a congregational meeting specified in this constitution. A quorum of the
elders is two-thirds of the board. Measures must pass by a two-thirds majority of those present
at the meeting.
Section 3. There will be at least five elected elders. The elder board will consist of the elected
elders, the senior pastor, and the pastor of Tagalog Fellowship. The desired composition of the
elected elders will represent the diversity of the congregation, its services, and its ministries.
The elder board reviews elder candidates and nominates elders with at least a two-thirds
majority in the board, with appointments affirmed by the congregation. The list of nominations
will be presented to the congregation at least two weeks in advance. An elder must be an
active participant, serving in TIC and be a TIC member at the point of nomination.
Section 4. Elders serve for three-year terms, beginning on the date of their affirmation by the
congregation, and may not serve longer than two consecutive terms, with the exception of the
senior pastor and the Tagalog Fellowship pastor, who serve as elders for the duration of their
pastorship. After at least a one year absence from the elder board, a person may again serve
as an elder. In the event that only two elected elders will remain on the board for a new year,
one elected elder with an expiring second term may serve one additional year. In the event that
an elected elder leaves TIC during the middle of the year, the elder board may appoint an
interim elder to serve until the next congregational meeting.
Section 5. To maintain elected elders’ independence, they may not be employed by TIC or any
of its affiliated entities while they are serving, with the exception of the senior pastor and
Tagalog Fellowship pastor. The elder board will meet regularly. The elder board will affirm an
elder chair from among them, with a two-thirds majority, who will serve for no more than three
fiscal years in this role. A newly affirmed elder chair begins serving in this capacity immediately
after the elder meeting in which the chair was affirmed.
Section 6. The elder chair will set the agenda for elder board meetings in consultation with the
senior pastor and other elders, chair elder board meetings, and consult and pray regularly with
the senior pastor.
Section 7. The elder board may similarly appoint a vice chair who will serve as chairperson
in the absence of the elder chair.
Section 8. Secretary: The secretary will arrange for the recording and distribution of minutes of
all elder board and congregational meetings and keep such records of elder board and
congregational decisions and actions as necessary.
Section 9. The elected elders are responsible for finding and recommending to the congregation
a senior pastor, with job description, remuneration and terms of service clearly defined. The
elders may appoint a pastoral search committee to carry out the search for a senior pastor if
they so choose. The elected elders review the senior pastor’s and Tagalog Fellowship pastor’s
service and remuneration annually to enable any adjustments in remuneration to be included in
the following year’s budget. They will review and approve the senior pastor’s and Tagalog
Fellowship pastor’s annual reviews of subordinate staff.
Section 10. Likewise, the elected elders determine the appropriate recognition for departing
senior pastors. The elected elders are also responsible for conducting a process for dismissing
a senior pastor in the case of conflict with this constitution, neglect or abuse of the pastoral role.
Section 11. The senior pastor will work closely with the elder board to propose other pastors,
staff, and ministry leaders. Ministry leaders must be members of the church. Candidacies will be
reviewed and approved by the elder board. All staff appointments are done with the job
description, remuneration (if any) and terms of service clearly defined.
Article 5 Finance
Section 1. The treasurer is appointed by the elder board with a diligent vetting process. The
treasurer, in consultation with the elder board, will ensure that the congregation’s financial
transactions and records are handled with integrity and transparency.
Section 2. The treasurer will arrange for an annual external audit of the congregation’s financial
records. The treasurer will report regularly on the financial condition of the congregation to the
elders and the congregation.
Section 3. The elder board shall approve major expenditures and rental contracts.
Article 6 - Fiscal Year
The church’s fiscal year shall be January 1 – December 31.
Article 7 – Ministry Teams
Section 1. The following ministry teams are recommended:
Women’s Ministry
Stewardship & Finance
Welcome Ministry
Kids Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Small groups
Young adults
Section 2. Ministry leaders shall be recommended by the senior pastor and approved by the
elder board for a term of one year. Ministry leaders may serve a maximum of five years before
taking a one year break.
Section 3. Membership of the ministry teams shall be drawn from the constituency of the church,
but the leaders of each ministry team shall be members of the church.
The ministry team leaders are encouraged to recruit additional team members as needed.
Section 4. Other ministry teams may be appointed as necessary.
Section 5. The staff, elders, and ministry leaders of TIC shall gather on a regular basis for the
purpose of building unity around the mission and vision of TIC, to encourage one another, to
celebrate what God is doing and to pray for TIC.
Article - 8 Filipino Ministry
Section 1. Filipino Ministry : A group of primarily Tagalog-speaking Christians established as a part of
Taipei International Church for the purpose of promoting Christian worship, education,
evangelism, fellowship, stewardship, and discipleship among its membership, primarily in the
Tagalog language. Filipino Ministry operates as a church within a church and is under
the direct financial and operational authority of Taipei International Church as vested in the elder
Section 2. The TIC elder board will appoint a Filipino Ministry pastoral search committee
and approve a pastoral candidate for a congregational vote. A Filipino Ministry pastoral
candidate shall be called on a two-thirds majority vote of the congregation for that purpose.
Section 3. The TIC elder board will approve the following:
Ministry plans including outreach and missions initiatives
New ministries and special congregational programs
Leadership nominees
Ministry partnerships
Rental agreements and major expenditures
Hiring and removal of staff
Section 4. Filipino Ministry will be responsible for and will manage its own budget and
finances and regularly report its financial status to the TIC treasurer. The TIC elder board will
monitor expenditures and arrange for an annual audit.
Section 5. Filipino Ministry Pastor. The Filipino Ministry pastor will be a member of the
TIC elder board. The Filipino Ministry pastor has authority over Tagalog Fellowship leaders
and the authority to direct Tagalog Fellowship ministries. The Tagalog Fellowship pastor
reports to and is under the direction and authority of the TIC elder board. The Filipino Ministry
pastor is responsible to ensure that all Filipino Ministry leaders and ministries operate within
the boundaries established by the TIC elder board.
Section 6.
The Filipino Ministry pastor will work closely with the elder board to propose other pastors and staff.
Candidacies will be reviewed and approved by the elder board. All appointments are done
with the job description, remuneration (if any) and terms of service clearly defined.
Article 9 – The Pastoral Staff
Section 1. The pastoral staff shall help us relate the truth of the scriptures to our daily lives and
will challenge us to reach others for Christ; they will be open to experimental and imaginative
types of ministry and outreach; they will be able to challenge laypersons to share their faith in
word and deed; they will be able to reconcile a variety of theological viewpoints.
The senior pastor will direct the ministries of the church and any other pastors and staff. The
senior pastor has the responsibility of formulating the overall vision and direction of TIC in
consultation and agreement with the elder board, and ensures that TIC's teaching and
preaching ministries are aligned with the vision, mission, and values of TIC.
Section 2. The appointment of the senior pastor must be affirmed by at least two-thirds of
members present at a duly announced congregational meeting called for that purpose.
Section 3. The service and remuneration of the pastoral and other staff shall be reviewed
annually by the elected elders.
Section 4. Any serious criticism of any member of the pastoral staff shall be brought first to the
elected elders with the pastoral staff member being given opportunity to respond to the criticism.
Only if a satisfactory resolution is not possible shall the matter be taken to the congregation. A
a two-thirds majority vote in a secret ballot of the members present at a duly announced
the congregational meeting shall be required to continue the services of the staff member under
conditions of serious criticism and controversy.
Section 5. The senior pastor shall be responsible for the day to day use of the church facilities.
Article 10 – Congregational Meetings Section
Section 1. There will be at least one congregational meeting annually in the final quarter of the
year to affirm elders, approve the budget, and any other matter, unless otherwise specified in
this constitution.
Section 2. The names of proposed elders and the proposed budget shall be submitted to the
congregation at least two weeks in advance of the congregational meeting in the final quarter of
the year.
Section 3. Other meetings, as necessary, may be called by the elder board or on written request
of twenty percent or more members of the church. Such meetings must be announced in writing
at least two weeks prior to being convened. The announcement must include the agenda.
Section 4. Any participant of the congregation may attend a congregational meeting but only
members of the church who are least 18 years old may vote or be elected to an office.
Section 5 The elder chair (or other person designated by the elders) will chair congregational
meetings and arrange for minutes to be taken and distributed to interested participants.
Article 11 – Amendments
Section 1. Amendments may originate in church groups or organizations or may be proposed by
individuals. They shall be presented to the elder board for study prior to presentation at a
congregational meeting.
Section 2. Amendments shall be made upon a two-thirds majority vote of members present at a
congregational meeting.
Section 3. In addition to the announcement in the church bulletin, and on the website, two weeks
prior to the meeting, copies of all amendments and agenda shall be provided electronically to all
members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered. Copies will
be made available at the ushers' table and in the church office.
Effective: January 1, 1972
Amended: July 1, 1972
Amended: November 24, 1974
Amended: December 11, 1983
Amended: March 27, 1994
Amended: March 28, 1999
Amended: December 5, 1999
Amended: November 26, 2000
Amended: April 1, 2001
Amended: December 2, 2001
Amended: April 14, 2002
Amended: March 28, 2004
Amended: December 8, 2013
Amended: November 29th, 2015
Amended: October 14th, 2018
Amended: December 15, 2019
Amended: December 15, 2024
© Copyright 2024, Taipei International Church (TIC)